Monday, August 1, 2011


At the moment many of the plants in our garden are in full flower so this week I've been busy going around taking photos of them all. Here are some of the plants that are in flower at the moment in our garden.

Grevillea GoldRush is a beautiful and unsual Grevillea. It's a compact shrub growing to a height of around one metre. Clusters of amazing yellow flowers appear during spring and summer. Likes a sunny to partly shaded position with well-drained soil.

Regent Hardenbergia Violacea is a hardy upright shrub growing to around one metre in height and 75cm in width. It flowers in spring. Plants can be trimmed after flowering.

Little red grevillea is a compact, dense , rounded shrub ideal for large pots or any sized garden. Dark red flowers are profuse in spring with spot flowering throughout the rest of the year. Grows to 0.5 to 0.75 metres.

Woolly Wattle is a beautiful Wattle that has lovely soft gray foliage. It has a magnificent flower display during spring time.

Golden Glow Acacia grows to 1.2 metres in height and width 1 metre. With gray green foliage and mass flower displays of golden flowers in spring.


  1. Wow, they are beautiful plants! I think I will have to get into commando gear, and go raid the local nursery at my dads to get some of those plants to plant in front of my window!
